perhaps it's summer evenings, spent whiling away the time chatting w/ dear ones and wandering aimlessly, breeze caressing. ah, finally.
or perhaps it's amazing yoga community, this amazing sangha wherever i go... offering unsolicited assistance simply b/c im a yogi. awe.
random interlude: check this hook in my room... what's with the last monkey...?
this post is dedicated to jo... if she's out there reading this... to prove to her that it still happens to me too - and that i never made her cry on purpose. xoxo
went to an amazing class tonite, complete with powerful, freakishly relevant theme. call it a distraction if you must, but theme is necessity for me. it's THE POINT. gotta love those themes that hit you right in the heart, themes of the how-does-she-know-to-say-that??? variety, making you (almost) catch your breath b/c it's speaking exactly to where you are, to what you've been turning over within yourself, and you don't know whether to laugh or bawl... so you do a bit of both until you get a grip on the emotional drama and settle in... to the breath. ah, welcome to class. my guess is it's likely not the teacher, but the Teacher, really driving those messages home.
so i wanted to share, b/c tonite's theme is a continuation on the 'act, don't react' theme.
mental limitations that we use to convince ourselves who and what we are... what yoga poses we're good at... the types of people we are... casting in stone our strengths and our weaknesses. labeling a situation and deciding what the outcome will be before it occurs.
let yourself expose and drop the mental dramas. stop wrapping up in that warm blanket of fear and stop holding yourself back. afraid of the light... not the darkness. as ive learned over the past few months, it doesnt matter how hard you hold on, how much you want to affect the outcome, or how much time & energy you expend freaking out - you dont control this ride and it's gonna turn out exactly how it will. save that energy - turn it inward.
let it unfold.
get out of the way.
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