Tuesday, November 18, 2008

flying crow(s)

the last few mornings, i've awoken to the sound of crows. lots of crows. giant crows.
i sigh at the prodding and crawl from bed to stand at the window
yesterday gray clouds in a pink pre-sunrise sky
today snow softly falling
hundreds of black silhouettes in the trees surrounding my bedroom... more flying in, seemingly an endless cloud, hovering, bouncing in the wind, seeking a branch hold.
why so many in one place? why now? why does their number & noise unsettle me so much?

a bit of research on the native american angle...
Crow: Keeper of the Sacred Law
crow is the omen of change
& offers protection
personal integrity is your guide in life
be mindful of your opinion & actions
you must be willing to walk your talk
put aside fear of your voice &
speak your truth
know your life's mission

"something is wrong if the crows are especially noisy"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We get birds of prey down here and recently I saw a huge, huge flock of them. I need to learn them better, because there's a big difference between hawks and vultures. Wonder what it meant.