last night i went to see Amma Karunamayi.
this divine incarnation stood directly in front of me and said "i love you." my heart opened.
once in front of the audience, she greeted the room by saying "my sweet babies. i love each of you thousands of times, millions of times, billions of times, gazillions of times" and giggles. such love. she reminded her audience to take full advantage of this rare human birth, that we are already on the spiritual path, and that the purpose of this life is nothing less than God Realization. she encouraged us to go all the way this time, not to get to 90% & be satisfied but to cultivate so much love for God in our hearts that this is is the life we go the entire way back to merging with One and knowing the Self. she cautioned us to care for Mother Earth, the save water, to help one another... and to treat each other with love and compassion as one peaceful happy family. to acknowledge the divinity that lies in each of us beyond color or gender or nationality and with the same intention, we could not fail at restoring world peace. she led her audience through laughing yoga, brain yoga (grab ear lobes with opposite hand, crossing at elbow, stand up, press legs together, and bend knees, squatting 27 times. you know you want to try it.), and mantra singing. i learned the saraswati mantra. click here to hear her. :)
other teachings i recall from atmaV this weekend...
your path must include 3 things...
constantly watching God within
service to others - dedicate this life to serving others, not to obtaining material pursuits.
tapas - discipline to your (meditation) practice
heart overflowing.
bowing with gratitude,
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