"He knows that in this arena of life he has come uncounted times and gone again, through myriad births, that he has enjoyed all the created world has to offer, and that, as he knows the truth "Everything here on earth passes away," nothing more can satisfy him. His wish is now to find and reach that source from which the stream of manifestation flows...
I am a seeker. I seek an explanation for life on earth. I would like to know what sense there is in the fact that a person is born, grows from a child to an adult through all kinds of difficulties, marries, brings forth more children into the world, who also grow up to adults through just as many difficulties... an unending chain, without beginning, without end!
No! It is not possible for life on earth to be so senseless! Behind this seemingly unending chain of birth and death there must be a more profound meaning, even if it seems to be inexplicable for a prejudiced mind.
For throughout all recorded time there have been outstanding people on earth who spoke out with unshakable assurance about the secret of life and even witnessed their conviction with their life - initiates as they have been called. But where and from whom have these 'initiates' received their initiation? And into what were they initiated?
Even today there must be such 'initiates' living on earth, and there must be some way to obtain initiation.
Seek and ye shall find.
I began to seek. Everywhere I could! And I found! Thus my path led me to people with even greater knowledge who explained more and more to me about initiation and about the meaning of life."
- from Initiation by Elisabeth Haich
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