Clinch by Picasso
yesterday was rumi, today Hafiz (poet and mystic born in the early 1300s in persia.) i have long coveted a book of his poems called The Gift for this poem...
and I have become
like two giant fat people living
in a tiny
keep bumping into
each other
b/c it describes my divine relationship rather perfectly. i threw my head back at the fabulous Visible Voice Books in tremont a few years ago when i read it and laughedlaughedlaughed.
so i was surprised today to learn of a later edition of Hafiz poems called I Heard God Laughing. i think that will be the byline on my autobiography. no kidding! i wonder if the translator came up with the title or if Hafiz did, my kindred spirit, dead hundreds of years.
excerpts from this compilation...
Someone Should Start Laughing
I have a thousand brilliant lies
For the question:
How are you?
I have a thousand brilliant lies
For the question:
What is God?
If you think that the Truth can be known
From words,
If you think that the Sun and the Ocean
Can pass through that tiny opening Called the mouth,
O someone should start laughing!
Someone should start wildly Laughing –Now!
A poet is someone
Who can pour Light into a spoon,
Then raise it to nourish
Your beautiful parched, holy mouth."
i need to spend a day in silence. so many needless words, trying so hard to formulate things that don't need to be said. "think 10 times before you speak" says Baba.
i've long despised the "activist" label but perhaps i'm more a sacred activist, according to Rob Brezny's latest...
"Sacred activism is the fusion of the mystic's passion for God with the activist's passion for justice, creating a third fire, which is the burning sacred heart that longs to help, preserve, and nurture every living thing." -Andrew Lawler, The Sun
interestingly enough, my father was very dedicated to the Sacred Heart... hmm... what is the real meaning of that?time for yoga class playlists then hot summer night sleep. sweet dreams.
p.s. to you who called for a boost yesterday evening, i hope i provided.
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