for those of you missing my teaching, im equally missing teaching you!!!
thought i'd share what i had to sleuth out/remind myself about today, based on a word i caught in an article.
i wanted to refresh on the buddhist paramitas: the 6 perfections defined by the buddhist mayahana tradition:
1. Dāna paramita: generosity, giving of oneself
2. Śīla paramita : virtue, morality, discipline, proper conduct
3. Kṣānti (kshanti) paramita : patience, tolerance, forbearance, acceptance, endurance
4. Vīrya paramita : energy, diligence, vigour, effort
5. Dhyāna paramita : one-pointed concentration, contemplation
6. Prajñā paramita : wisdom, insight
a slight guru poke, perhaps? as the final paramita is his name.
the next door neighbor is singing while he works. i love it. sing it out - whether you know anyone to be listening or not - and live it out - regardless of who is watching. get past caring about - internal or external - commentary.
other thought for the week: thoughts hold equal weight as action. watch them closely.
unlike how closely i was watching the kettle and just forgot all about it!
attempting constant focus,
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