interestingly, and quite fittingly, april 1 has always been a very spiritually auspicious day for me. fitting, no? ;) i see it as one more manifestation of Divine play (called leela - though my spelling may be off.) i received my meditation initiation on april 1st. this picture was taken at the ashram in october.
whenever i drink the psyllium to cleanse my colon, i ponder (you know you ponder while drinking colon cleansing substances too!) a few years back when i had some internal medical probs and asked the doctor if i should change my diet. i recall him saying that it 'didn't matter much' and i was really unsettled by that. doesnt take the chemistry-lover in me to know that fuel drives the reaction, right? it all starts with what we put in our bodies. interestingly enough, i recently learned that diets rich in sugar can contribute to colon problems later in life. ever since i started to seriously practice a few years ago, and the diet cleaned up as an offshoot to my dedication, all those problems have vanished. i hear pee wee herman singing 'connect the dots, lalalalala..."
thank god for my friends, b/c i was the most obnoxious prima donna yesterday on day 1 and they were amazing. the Trinity convened & i had my vegan dinner cooked for me. when that happened, something clicked and i found ease again. thanks, s. and thanks for keeping me positive, too. i make faces at you but i deeply and profoundly appreciate it!
i went to tiiu's class last night. great sangha (community). lots of friends in class which always make the energy feel so much more cozy to me. felt borderline obnoxious b/c i couldnt stop laughing and i felt like a big distraction. i don't know what it is about her - she just makes me laugh! the good healthy loud and deep kind of laugh that leaves you feeling cleansed. such an enjoyable class. yoga w/ the body revved up is outstanding!
day 1 observances
physical: i felt pretty amazing all day but got very nauseous late afternoon. i contribute it to the green kamut, which im now doing as morning and evening shots instead of in my water all day long. i like to drink pure water! and the gelatin capsules. ick. my veggie tummy no like-y. so im now emptying the contents prior to ingesting.
psychological: this had best stop being a verbal cleanse soonly. i can hold nothing back. it all just comes shooting out. the love, the bitter, all of it. and i spontaneously laughed all day long. obviously, i have too much pent up joy. ;) reminds me of some 6th grade aphorisms i read yesterday, one of which was: "it's all so funny. how can you not be laughing?" i concur!
big fat love,
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