last night i found the one remaining cell of my being that wanted to continue with the cleanse... that really wanted to respect this process & truly give it my best effort. not sure what that says for my likelihood to continue eating so beautifully when i no longer have a cleanse goal, but that's not very present minded of me, is it?
i skipped my late afternoon piece of fruit yesterday... partially on accident, and partially to see what would happen. what happened is i realized how much i still rely on it to get thru the evening! my experiments are never-ending. (p.s. science fair update: i love sprouted lentils! they're crunchy with water, like green peppers. much better than the mush that results whenever i try to cook them.)
i have been almost constantly exhausted since day 3, but just today, im starting to catch fleeting glimpses of steady strong energy on the other side - similar to fleeting amazing meditation experiences. such momentary glimpses of Greatness are much appreciated motivation for keeping me on this path... which truly just keeps getting better and better.
future-minded all over the place today.
shanti (peace),
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