(because we all secretly wish we played the nose flute...)
wow! the body really ramps up. it's fascinating to my analytical mind to watch my body accomplish yoga poses effortlessly during this cleanse that i have tried for *years* to do. so my body has understood/known how to do them all along and i had too much else for the body to contend with? hmmm...
drove home top down and it started raining. alive! smelling the rain made me realize how intensely my sense of smell has returned. it smelled soooo amazing. it made my mouth start to water. (wha?) i was breathing soooo deeply to get as much smell as i could. made me think... if we dull our bodies with poor diet, including dulling our senses like smell... it makes sense that we'd breathe more shallowly, since we're unaware of the good & stimulating smells, right... and less oxygen further dulls the body processes... cyclical? just thoughts.
maybe i'll use my new nasal powers to take up the nose flute! ;)
exhausted bliss,
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