phooey on those yoga aphorisms "practice, practice, practice." and "yoga is 99% practice and 1% theory," eh?
i had to prepare for Raw Week. i mean, (!!!).
it was a rather emotional trip. a curly blond baby girl squatted down on her chubby haunches next to me (squatted down on my chubby haunches) and started marveling over little herb plants. almost cried. incredulous drive home watching that giant ball of fire drip down the sky. such gratitude.
for those of you not in the know - i loathe the grocery store. i am too impulsive to plan what my erratic palate will desire in 7 days time and even if i do plan, likely i dont ever find the time to create my masterpiece and it all goes to waste. yet i found buying raw to be rather fun and easy. [time for more (!!!)] no worries about high maintenance dairy - the milk going cold or the ice cream staying frozen. i cringed at what my bill would be and it was only $57. i attempted to buy a ton b/c i didnt want to run out of organic produce halfway through the week and my total was still roughly half of what i usually spend. it was so pretty i took a picture - note, no artistic arranging nec'y!
fearfully realizing it was time to start sprouting.(!!!) i stalled by reading a few good emails (thanks everyone!), leached their encouragement, and began. at 9pm, i set to soak: raw cashews, almonds, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, chickpeas and oat groats. (i dont know what those are either but it wasnt a vegetable and i can call it raw.) my goal is to lean a bit heavier on the oats, nuts, expeller pressed oils etc. at the beginning of the week and less later as i prepare for juice. this is my science experiment in progress:

i took this pic while sa
still really hard to wake up this morning. i am an energy junkie. keep waiting for the cleanse to bring my energy up and keep it there but it comes & goes. i trust i am cleansing in ways i dont notice.
drained and rinsed everything at 7am. cashews probably soaked a little too long but weren't gross or soggy. oat groats tasted like chewy oatmeal. yum. almost forgot the chickpeas (likely subliminal) which would have botched the sprouting experiment, but i drained, rinsed, drained them and set them to sprouting!!! mesh lidded jar upside down in a colander in a bowl on the counter (if you're trying this at home.) grabbed last nights fixins', mixed up the nuts with some coconut, made a salad & the breakfast smoothie. flying around the house trying to do it all while looking presentably professional. mentally racing by the time i got in the car, and always telling myself that i am not doing enough, need to be doing more, really need to get it together, get to sleep earlier, meditate longer. ahhhh! Inner Critic, please go back to sleep! and we all do this inventory of issues, of non-issues... try to remind myself that entertaining this subtle violence against myself is not practicing true ahimsa (non-violence) but old habits die so hard...
got on the highway to find both highway options completely stopped - 4 lanes solid. i rolled down the windows and sighed. all of the madness just fell away. thank god. things beyond my control showed me how much i am trying to control everything! to do it all just so! my only goal on the cleanse was to eat healthier and more consciously. im doing that just fine. i was overwhelmed with such compassion for me, for everyone in their cars around me, for all of us... for our fortitude. our desire to keep trying. to be our best. and the eternal springing of hope. this time i cried. and laughed. it felt great - and truly cleansing.
im reminded of yoga author stephen cope's words - "everything is already ok."
notice the beauty,
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