on why i prefer to call it cleanse, not detox...
"Gandhi won in his struggle because his position was one of far greater power. The British Empire represented force, and whenever force meets power, force is eventually defeated...
The difference between treating and healing is that in the former, the context remains the same, whereas in the latter, the clinical response is elicted by a change of context so as to bring about an absolute removal of the cause of the condition rather than mere recovery from its symptoms." - David Hawkins
thus why i prefer to think about cleansing the junk out permanently and learning to replace it w/ better, as opposed to detoxifying my body, which to me has a temporary connotation. seriously, ive been sensitive to which of the 2 words to use since this all began. i read the above and it clicked.
im finding a 3-day weekday juice fast to be most challenging as im having a ridiculously stressful work week and the juice isnt providing enough "juice" for my taxed body while im at work... so both day 1 and day 2 ive taken (3) 16-oz juice concoctions to work (which have been very good!) and eaten dinner when i got home. but im so strong and determined in the morning! perhaps if i was a realist instead of an idealist, i would eat a sensible breakfast and juice the remainder of the day, instead of taxing my stomach before sleep. is my professional situation more demanding than other peoples' who have successfully done this cleanse per the directions, or am i just worse at coping. regardless of the answer, its where im at. :(
once again, how i wish i could find 30 days to focus on just this cleanse, reading, and my physical practice!!! noticing the sunshine only when racing from the car into a building for a meeting is not sufficient.
overtaxed ;),
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