or i can talk about it during my speech when they give me the Nobel for something else...
i found the cure for ice cream!
more on this later...
i went to ashtanga class tonite and felt like a 4th grader. it was hilarious to me! sitting in full lotus and trying to cram my arms through my legs started it all off... when we got to the pose called cuckoo i almost laughed louder than ever in my whole life. i skipped a lot of the flow between poses. it allows me to focus more on the actual series of poses (which im still learning) b/c it saves my strength. so Big Fat Load won out over the Overachiever but it was a tough fight, full of much mental criticism. i've blown my shoulders for days after every ashtanga class ive ever done... with the exception of tonite. thank you Big Fat Load! (anyone know how many chatturangas in the primary series? how 'bout lots!) i practiced next to kate, so my load-ness should have succeeded in making her feeling all talented & svelte. when my mind wasn't at war w/ itself, i was dreaming of ice cream. whatever happened to my focused yoga mind? i get on the mat now and food demons come up.
side story: i appreciate that adage that if you look for information to support any argument, you'll find it. i read an article in yesterday's sunday paper (which of course i can't locate by searching cleveland.com) that talks about how if you are determinedly working to improve willpower in one area of your life, it will slip in other areas. thank you scientists. i havent been as disciplined in other areas of my life while ive been busy competing for Ms. Raw Martha Stewart 2008.
back to my amazing discovery: i came home and wanted CHOCOLATE or ICE CREAM or anything sweet and creamy. uh-oh. tomorrow starts juice day. so i juiced a cucumber. it was amazing!!! and i got so excited about juicing... im not going to spend hours everyday prepping and
but i still wanted chocolate. my brain never forgot the top-shelf cupboard depths where i stashed the last of the ghirardelli choc chips. so i ate ONE. it was disgusting. the sugar was so sweet in a very bad way - it tasted acrid. hooray!!! i hate sugar! but i still wanted something... so i went back to Ani. im gonna become best friends with this girl. she is awesome!
cacao pudding my way
1/2 c. almonds to 1/4 c. water
add ~1/8 c. shredded coconut, 1.5 pitted dates, and 1/2 tbs cocoa
put in freezer for a few
eat amazing version of raw(enough) ice cream.
cuckoo for (raw-ish) cocoa pudding,
p.s. to you who gave me pitted dates in a hospital lab specimen bag (they look like roaches) for just such a sugar emergency - thank you! you saved the night!
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