Tuesday, October 21, 2008

how do you know?

i paint sometimes
and they say
(yep - "them," again ;)
the hardest part is knowing when the canvas is done
knowing when to step back & walk away
im struggling with that right now
knowing when to walk away
when do you admit something just isn't working out?
how long do you try?
how do you know you're not quitting or giving up?
what if you stay at it too long & injure yourself?
yoga teaches me to stay in the pose
ride out the discomfort and see what lies beneath
"the pose begins when you want to come out of it"
but it also teaches me compassion - first & foremost, for myself
you'd think i'd know how to discern by now...
i'm strong enough not to compromise myself & my ideals
yet i'm starting to feel like i'm losing parts of myself
and i'm most unhappy about that
this whole venture is starting to feel like a relationship that
"just isn't working out"
that inner voice has started up and just wont quiet
so i ask - and im truly asking - any & all input appreciated
how do you know?
until i hear from you, i offer it up
b/c that's all i know how to do
that - and pay attention.
head bowed,

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