Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Day 1: "it ain't easy bein' green" - Kermit

my stomach is revolting, i don't mean ugly, i mean unhappy.

it's this wheatgrass additive i have to use to make Fresh Cut Lawn water. i really like to drink water and i really like fresh cut grass. but not together. i'll take my water sans grass clippings, thank you very much (said like my sister Mary). thank god for peppermint tea to calm the stomach uprising. (it's green. it fits the theme.)

i received the following prayer when i did my first ever 3-day (ha! light weight! ego, shhh!) brown rice mono-fast:

Affirmation to My Body

I recognize you are the temple in which my spirit and my creative energy dwell.
You are my responsibility to care for. I have the ability to make you ill or healthy.
I must offer you the most alive, healthiest food (collected from my lawn mower... *ahem* sorry) so that you may continue to sustain my creative energy, my spirit and my soul.
I have created you from my need to have my spirit manifest on earth, so that I may have this time to learn and grow.
I offer this food to you with love and sincere desire for you to remain free from disease and disharmony.
I accept you as my own creation.
I need you.
I love you.

this cleanse is accompanied by a lot of supplements. generally, i subscribe to the same theory as my new hard core doctor - that nutrients are best obtained from fresh food, not supplements and bottles - but one thing i will pay attention to on this fast is how much food i eat, assuming im getting a wealth of nutrients from all the supplement sources. if the body is getting maximum fuel, volume has to decrease. thank god b/c while i loooooove eating, there are many times where my psychotic yogini self just wants to practice but im forced to feed the body, which kills my practice inclination. seems logical that if i eat smarter, i can eat less. (more on the medical theme later, i promise.)

speaking of psychotic yogini, i recall telling a yogi friend about a boyfriend who snottily remarked to me that "With you, it's all about yoga." together we shrugged and simultaneously said "what else is there?" beware. from this entry forward, you are entering the yoga realm. no more apologies. just spirit.

"Prayer is not an act of worship merely, the bending of
the knee on set occasions, and offering petitions in
need. It is an attitude of soul, opening the life on
the Godward side, and keeping free communication
with the world of spirit." -- Hugh Black
buddhist humor: so if first thought is best thought, is my last thought my worst thought? ;)

god, bless my efforts.
om amen.

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